Saturday, July 19, 2014

Forth Year High School

First, I was nervous because I don't know what will happen in my 4th year, I was so confused but at the same time excited because at last I was already a 4th year student. I also want to experience being older sister of the lower years. It was not easy to communicate into my other classmate because we need to accept the fact that we need to compete with each other for to get a higher grades. First day of our class no one is talking and being active. I have my classmate that also my classmate when I was 3rd year, they are only two and the bad luck is the two of them never been close to me. In our educational field trip we are only few in the class joined. One day, i don't know what comes into my mind of being friendly to the other narra student last year that already my classmate, each one of us get close to each other. In my opinion the hardest thing of being a 4th year student is doing their individual research paper, but we made it like groupings we help each other but also we enjoyed it like going house to house of our other classmate, going to rizal park instead of national library and we also goes to DOST to grab some info. for our research. Rizal Park house to house with our teacher.

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