Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CORRUPTION: How it will stopped?

When I was in High School my teacher assigned us a project which is Research Paper, in my first reaction is it was only like a project that only needs a research and opinion but when I already doing it, it was difficult because we need to find a articles, magazines, newspapers and books regards to our topic. The Problem of my classmates is they don't know what is the topic they want. In that time I already know what is my topic and it was to Research about "Corruption". When it comes on giving opinion, suggestion and conclusion is only easy for me but in searching, finding an articles, magazines, newspapers and books it was difficult we need to go in the School library, National library and DOST for my research. (The stated below is my research and conclusion when I was in High School but I also read it in some books) Corruption is a general term for the misuse of public position of trust for private gain. Corruption exists in all levels of the government, especially among high-civil servants. It was considered to be the most Worst among East Asia's leading economies and the country has sunk lower among those seen to be lagging in governance reforms.There were also attempts to improve the courts, legal profession, police and penal system.Despite some modernizing amendments, there have been no further basic changes. There are still no reporting of money spent by the national party organization, as in the United states, union and corporate contributions are not prohibited. After 1900 the corrupting power of business was attacked by urban middle-class progressive. Aided by "muckraking" magazine articles, these progressive reformers felt they better society by curbing economic privilege. Their Solution included municipal ownership, city commission and management plans, utility and railroad, regulation, primaries, direct election of senators, and as well as many reforms in health, housing, labor, tariff, taxation, and banking.

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